Things That I Like:
-The smell of clean laundry.
-The smell of your skin when you come in from a walk or run on a cold, windy day.
-Giggling. I think there is far too little giggling in this world. I intend to change that.
-When Sadie dreams, and her little dog legs twitch, and she yelps in her sleep. I like to imagine that she is dreaming of walking on a doggie runway somewhere, and that she is yelping everytime a young pup throws a rose in her direction.
-Turtlenecks. Yep, I said it. I do!
-Taking a shower before I take a bath, to avoid sitting in my own filth.
-A warm hoodie.
-Waking up in the middle of the night, looking at the clock and realizing I have several hours of sleep still coming my way.
-Puppy breath.
-Tiny silverware. I cannot resist it, and have been known to slip it into my purse or my bra on occasion.
-Kissing. Oooooowwwweeeeeee do I love me some kissing!
-High heeled shoes, both shopping for and wearing.
-Poetry, but only if I can understand it.
-Childrens' books written in rhyme. So much easier to read.
-Snuggling. Spooning. Holding hands, pinching behinds, and waking up in the middle of the night to find his hand on my hip. Is there any better middle-of-the-night feeling?
-The freedom to be completely honest.
-Eye contact.
-Slipping into my home pants and slipping off my bra at the end of a long day.
-New projects.
-Music. Music. Music.
-Laundry. The sorting, the washing, the drying, the folding. I get a charge out of knowing I have filled the closets and dressers in my home with fresh, clean laundry.
-Pooping. Look, Freud had plenty to say about it, but I think it is great.
-New tennis shoes.
-The stars, and the wonder of lying in the backyard or the driveway and looking at them with people you love.
-A warm car on a winter morning.
-Being Dutch.
And conversely, Things I Do Not Like:
-Bullies. They bite the big one.
-Stains on my carpet.
-Stinky bathrooms. Have you ever noticed that the bathrooms at drive-in movie theaters are the most foul?
-When my dog digs in the trash for diapers...and finds them.
-Dirty ears.
-Freezing rain.
-Cold toes - mine, or that of my children.
-The life envy I experience when I watch a Lifetime movie.
-The miles that separate me and my sisters.
-Interrupting. Seriously, now.
-People who judge other people.
-AKA...self-righteous behavior.
-Creepy men.
-Women in the workplace who don't support other women in the workplace.
-Women who work outside the home who don't support women who stay home.
-Women who stay home who don't respect women who work outside.
-Any person (male or female) who refers to Father/Child Time as "babysitting". Oh, hell to the no.
-Gossip. Save it for 90210, people.
-People who post on Facebook what they are making for dinner, or how many loads of laundry they have washed. Seriously....nobody cares. Say something funny or inspiring, or say nothing at all.
-Unibrows. My son is 8, and I am already talking to him about the wonders of waxing...
-The strong, silent type. Be strong. But for the love of all that is good and holy, don't be silent.